Me After We
Candles flicker, Champagne flows, glasses clink, and friends lean in close over the rustic wood table to share a toast. This group of smiling, laughing diners at French Alpine Bistro isn’t celebrating a birthday or anniversary, though. They’re honoring a different kind of milestone: “Me After We.”

Wine Director Wows
Warning: When it comes to wines, if you know what you like, and don’t have any desire to try something new, think twice before you ask for a recommendation from the French Alpine Bistro’s Wine Director: María José Cárdenas.

Is Gluten-Free for Me?
GF - You’ll see these letters on many products nowadays, and they’re a definite sign of the times. Many more people are trying to reduce their intake of grains that contain gluten. Regardless of whether this is due to an allergy…

Rosé Wine…Really?
Absolutely. Many people – from the Millennial to the middle-aged man – are excited about rosé wine. There are even several…

Who’s The Boss?
Just like a person has a heart, brain and body, a thriving business needs to be run with all three in mind, as well. Karin embodies the best of all three attributes. First of all, she has…

Corporate Events
Twenty-four hours in a single day, and just how many of them are spent at work? For many people, more time is spent with colleagues than with spouses, children, or friends. As a result…

Truffles, the Diamonds of the Kitchen
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, the 18th century French gourmand, once referred to truffles as the “diamonds of the kitchen,” and for centuries the world has agreed…

Relationships have many forms: friendships, families, and co-workers; keeping these bonds healthy is the ultimate key to happiness and satisfaction in life. And, as everyone knows, this means taking one of the most invaluable commodities of all – time - and…

Oh, Crêpe!
Accidents happen. And that - according to folklore - is exactly how the first crêpe came to be. Sometime during the 12th century A.D., in the rocky outcroppings of northern France, known as Brittany, a housewife spilled some porridge onto the hot surface of her kitchen hearth. Instead…

For Love's Sake
Long-time loving isn’t mentioned in music very much. Imagine lyrics the likes of: “When you’re stressed and sloppily dressed, I know you’re still the best!” Instead, we hear a lot about the two extremes. Either the overture of love – the exciting, falling, exploring part of it, or…

Liquid Swiss Gold
Fondue is a foundational fun food. When else do you have a chance to gather around a mini-fire with your friends or family, skewer bread, and then dip it into your own tiny lava lake of melted cheeses? At the French Alpine Bistro – Crêperie du Village, you can experience…

The Hills are Alive with More Than Just the Sound of Music
Here’s a quick game for you - it’s a word association one. Ask people what they think of when they hear the word: wine. More than likely…

The Boss & Her Wonder Women
Karin Derly, the powerhouse and sole proprietress of the French Alpine Bistro (FAB) in Aspen, Colorado has assembled a compelling, predominantly female crew over the years; one that is highly capable of navigating anything the sea of life sends their way…

Together we are Better!
If there is one thing that we will carry into the New Year, it will be our strong sense of community; we believe that together, we are better. The support of our guests has been the backbone of our restaurant, and allows our 40 employees to support themselves and…

Fondue vs. Raclette... Oui to Both!
If you mention the word “Fondue” around someone, odds are, he’ll know what you’re talking about. This might also mean that he has flashbacks to fond memories of sitting at a festive table with family and friends, and dipping bread into a heavenly…

A Brighter New World
“Beautiful people do not just happen….” According to the late Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss-American psychiatrist, “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have…

Who Brings the Gifts if Not Santa?
If you visit us at the French Alpine Bistro in Aspen, Colorado, you’re sure to notice some time-honored Austrian holiday decorations and traditions, including an Advent wreath, which is thought to have its roots from about the 4th century. In that day and age…

Geborgenheit to You!
Times truly are a-changin’...from the roaring 1920’s to now: 2020! It was last century’s 20th decade that heralded the right for women to vote in the U.S., gave us the gift of jazz, and started the Golden Age of Hollywood. One hundred years later…

Creativity at the French Alpine Bistro
A greenhouse built for two on a Dutch canal? A zip-line delivered picnic basket for patrons, who are patiently waiting in a Swedish meadow? What do these two scenarios have to do with one of your favorite Aspen, Colorado restaurants…

Cottage to the Core at the Bistro
Right now, who doesn’t need a way to relax? Since traveling nowadays is so fraught, many alternatives, which more and more people are choosing, tend to be in the form of virtual escapes. There’s a…